In addition to our Comedy Nights, this mainstay of Exton's "entertainment hub," also host live music, including acoustic soloists, cover bands, old school artists, country singers, Motown bands, r&b singers.

Old School Concerts
Sometimes it only takes one good song to bring back thousands of good, old memories. Our team will always keep it old school. Our grand opening concert, we featured the King of Hip-Hop Chubb Rock. We are looking forward to more old school artist to perform.

Country Concerts
Our Country concerts will be coming soon. So get ready to "Blame it all on your roots, but make sure you show up it in your boots."

Live Band Shows
We welcome all bands to perform.
If you have a passion to hear Motown, Old School and R&B greatest cover hits, then you do not want to miss Philly native Motown band, "Steve Cofield and Sweets."